I have this unique (and by unique, I mean completely common) problem. I hoard crafting supplies. I cannot pass by a clearance rack of, oh let's say ribbon, (hideously horrific ribbon the color of runny yellow baby poop--you parents out there know what I mean). ANYway, if I see the clearance sign on RBPY (runny baby poop yellow) ribbon, my mind churns. This would make a lovely gift for Aunt Lucy's second cousin's brother's girlfriend's pet armadillo! (Hey, work with me people!) So, I buy all 45 cases of the stuff; envisioning all the ooo's and ah's that will occur when the glorious gift is opened.
I get home and realize what a find this was! There are so many more things I could make with the RBPY ribbon! Perhaps I'll start a RBPY fashion line for armadillos! And make matching assessories for the owners of said armadillos! I'll be the RBPY Armadillo Assessory Queen! Her Majesty of the....Um, yeah, well...(clears throat and smiles maniacally).
So I'm on a mission to organize the craft kingdom. (Queen of the Kingdom of Crafts...has a nice ring, eh?) I'm happy to say I can now see small spaces of floor and that no one will be buried under mountains of craft supplies when walking through the room. My new rule for me? No craft supplies in until one bin is out. (Unless I happen to find a killer sale on RBPY ribbon! I mean, think of all the armadillos I can make happy!)
Love, peace and laughter!